❤ My version of Snow White in Disney lifestyle ❤

On 12/05/2016 0

In ❤ my fashion and beauty ❤

Blanche neige dinsey 7

I do not leaf through a lot of blog and I do not spend much time on Pinterest but the Instagram application on me a great influence.
It had been several days, I had seen some pictures Natacha bird had made on his blog for Disney lifestyle and his last share on Instagram made me want to participate.

Disney lifestyle offers to followers of this application to choose sides between the world of evil, Alice's or that of white snow.
Of course, being a woman with white snow tattooed on his arm for two years now, my team was selected without great difficulty even if I was tempted to put me in the evil of for several seconds.
I like challenges, so I decided to take him to Disney with my lifestyle but minimalist wardrobe, I struggled to make a fairy tale look with almost nothing in my cupboards.
so I made it simple, I chose my beautiful dress from Laura Ashley Heather few years ago for only three small euros.
I put the summer to walk, I love this dress and I purposely left crumpled.
Then, I put my feet in my pair of shoes at Gemo mottled too.
Then I took the beautiful necklace that my mother to bring Dakar 48 years ago already.
She loved the wink that I wanted to make it through this series of photos.
I wearing quickly so we can not see my yellow locks and I put on my head, the headband of my children while I laid on my lips a lipstick from Sephora.
Meanwhile, my husband was preparing the stage.
Three apples as the number of kids in the basket used to put eggs and the mirror of our living room in front of our Christmas tree in the garden.
To meet this challenge, I really made it simple, small fifteen minutes were enough to prepare everything.
The longest was the photo shoot, I'm not patient, I like even less to be on camera.
To this we do not see that we had to manage the interests of our unit who decided to bugguer in full session and so we had to juggle two goals.
But most important is that I learned a lot from that moment, deep down I had fun and I have a new challenge and I'm pretty happy.
I also see time scrolling on my face just a few days of my 29 years and that the resemblance with my mum thereby increasing score and I'm glad it look a little, finally.
Come on, I stop and I blablater reveals snapshots of me in white snow, with version 2.0 and what was in my closet.

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Instagram blanche neige
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